Welcome to BuyCrypt
Login to connect exchange API and join tournaments.
Welcome to BuyCrypt
Login to connect exchange API and join tournaments.
Register or login to
user profile
Choose tournament
by asset you trade
Add Binance API key
Purchase Tour Pass
to join the tournament
Complete registration
in mobile App and trade
Create an account using mobile number,
Apple ID or Google account.
Tournaments are running on different perp
contracts, choose the one you like most and join
Import Binance account using API. Simple generate keys
and copy-paste into web platform or mobile app
Tour pass is a ticket for to take part in all
BuyCrypt tournaments. 1 Pass – one tour.
Trade within the mobile app, track your
tournament score and take the grand award
Depending on tour, Entry price may vary. Here you can automatically buy Tour Pass
Profile settings

Your username will be displayed on Position Share previews and Top Traders Leaderboard if you share your trading score.

You can use a-z 0-9 and underscores.

Min length - 5 characters, Max 12 characters

Login provider
Add API account
Account name is private, only you can see it.
Add API account

Exchange account added.

API health status is displayed next to account name. in case status changes to “API issues” you can restart API or create new key is restarting it doesn’t help.

API issue
Auth in mobile
Open mobile application. Tap to login by QR Code.
0 account
Import exchange account via API’s
Track your favourite exchange accounts
Ongoing End

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Mobile App
Download BuyCrypt App
to join tournaments
Login to the app with the same login provider
to start or join tournaments
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