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Copyright 2021 – BuyCrypt
Buycrypt token TGE

108M tokens for the
mint by community

Grab free tokens

4502 BUYT

Minted by users


Left to mint


Users registered

Earn BUYT for simple
daily activities

Just create account, link it to CEX or make first trade. Whatever you do — we’ll reward you!


Compete and win
trading tournaments

Participate in our tours, pass the tasks and be better than others to get share in prize pool


Invite your pals and
each of you gets BUYT

We respect friendship, so you and your invitees will both receive a guaranteed reward


Trusted by partners

Complete transparency.

Check out token stats live

Minted overall


Minted overall


Directly sold


Total staked


Earn up to 7% APY
by staking
Start staking BUYT
Timestamp Amount Recipient TXID
1 month 250 BUYT 164d *** b71 5d5d *** 292
1 month 250 BUYT 164d *** b71 35eb *** ce8
1 month, 1 week 250 BUYT 9c50 *** b64 438e *** d7e
1 month, 1 week 250 BUYT 0c0e *** 430
1 month, 1 week 250 BUYT 164d *** b71 9db8 *** ac1
1 month, 1 week 250 BUYT 588d *** 1f0 dd11 *** 0c7
1 month, 2 weeks 250 BUYT bc37 *** 753 728d *** 86a
1 month, 2 weeks 250 BUYT bc37 *** 753 d2f5 *** 2ef
2 months, 1 week 250 BUYT ff8d *** 2bc 860c *** 7b9
2 months, 2 weeks 2 BUYT 7bc5 *** 510 40b6 *** f50
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Start your journey with Buycrypt!

Become an early-bird for a new trading experience and earn rewards

Why BUYT is a must-have for
better trading experience?

stake-it Stake it! Earn up to 7% APY with our
3m, 12m or 18m staking plans
dollar Get funding! Buy challenges, succesfully pass
it and get a share of profits
pay Pay fees! Save your crypto
by paying copytrading fees
with native token
cup soon! Access tours! Buy tourpasses and participate
in trading tournaments
stake-it Stake it! {% translate "Earn up to 7% APY with our
3m, 12m or 18m staking plans
dollar Get funding! {% translate "Buy challenges, succesfully pass it and get a share of profits
pay Pay fees! Save your crypto
by paying copytrading fees
with native token
cup soon! Access tours! Buy tourpasses and participate
in trading tournaments

Project tokenomics

200M Total token supply
16 %


6 months cliff,
8 years linear vesting
7 %


6 months cliff,
4 years linear vesting
5 %


6 months cliff,
4.5 years linear vesting
5 %


5% at TGE,
12 years linear vesting
5 %


2 years cliff,
10.5 years linear vesting
4 %


20% at TGE,
10 years linear vesting
3 %


4 years cliff,
5 years linear vesting
1 %

Initial Supply

100% at TGE

Community LP

Halving over 4 years
200M Total token supply
1 % Initial Supply
100% at TGE
54 % Community LP
Halving over 4 years
16 % Developer
6 months cliff,
8 years linear vesting
7 % Investor
6 months cliff,
4 years linear vesting
5 % Advisory
6 months cliff,
4.5 years linear vesting
5 % Marketing
5% at TGE,
12 years linear vesting
5 % Partnership
2 years cliff,
10.5 years linear vesting
4 % Liquidity
20% at TGE,
10 years linear vesting
3 % Reserve
4 years cliff,
5 years linear vesting